break up with your mother.

foundational mini course

This course will help you to build and establish your own personal tools and internal foundation to finally understand what people mean when they say they are doing the work; when they say they feel secure in who they are, confident in discussing what they’ve gone through and who can effortlessly set boundaries with ease even after a life of enmeshment and paralyzing guilt.

who are we when maintaining our mother’s happiness stops being our #1 priority?
where do we start? where do we begin? + what perspectives and systems do we turn to when we feel lost all over again?

3 less than 10 min videos + a 3 page workbook to put all the content immediately into action 
-- > 
all of this for less than a single session with me.

I created this self-paced mini course because not everyone desires, needs or can currently afford my 1:1 support and my Instagram content can only guide and serve you so far. I also know I have so much more to say and it’s about time I offered more direct access to my way of delivering + comprehending the insights that have helped and continue to support me (and my clients) so you can get an even deeper look into how I mentally
organize and verbally articulate my perspective on each of the 3 topics + more. 

language brings clarity.

clarity brings empowerment.

empowerment brings self-acceptance.

self-acceptance brings hope.

hope creates freedom.

And if we can start experiencing REAL hope that there is more to life for a community like ours,

when we’ve experienced so many years feeling entirely lost + hopeless

The ceiling for us becomes truly limitless. 

ready to start building your foundation?


what's inside the mini course?


video one: characteristics of a narcissistic parent 
examples of each & how they may be impacting you now in adulthood. 
this video will also help you to quickly and directly develop the language to describe your own experiences and feelings as well as help you to confidently identify toxic behavioral traits moving forward.


video two: boundaries 
examples of boundaries. getting clear on the specifics. 
the reasons you struggle. understanding why boundaries may be difficult for you + 
why you may have normalized certain behaviors. 
tips & recommendations. how to get started + the importance of implementing


video three: codependency 
defining codependency in various + simplest terms. 
examples of codependent behaviors: how they may be showing up and negatively impacting you now &
why healing and developing more mindfulness around such behaviors is such a crucial part of the healing.


3 page workbook full of thought provoking questions that will help you untangle your personal relationship with 
boundaries and codependency so you can gain all the clarity, insight and confidence you need to start 
making real and sustainable changes in your everyday life.


amanda white

Instead of filling you up with more information from an outside perspective, I’m here to guide, lead and share my experiences from the inside perspective , — of actually being the scapegoat daughter of maternal narcissistic abuse.

I spent 28 years dealing with emotional, mental and financial abuse from my narcissistic mother. And while I did spend those 28 years fighting the familial system, there was a very real part of me that was convinced that it was all my fault. Who I was to question anyone when I was so ‘irresponsible?’ Who was I to know what I wanted when I was such a ‘know it all?’ Who was I to crave more independence when I was ‘so selfish?’

When I first entered my healing journey, I read all the books and all the articles, just waiting for that one answer that was going to make my life easier. I then took what I had consumed and tried be reasonable (aka gaslighting myself) about what I had experienced, but the pain wouldn’t go away. I tried to be DGAF about it, but the rage kept coming back. I tried to accept ‘we all do the best we can’, but I just couldn’t. I kept focusing on my mom, What was she thinking? How is she going to live without me? How can I feel so responsible for someone I can’t stand? How horrible and heartless of a person do I seem to others?

Finally, I did what seemed radical at the time and switched it all up and started to focus on …. me.

My disappointment, my grief, my confusion, my anger and my sadness. It was revolutionary for me because I not only previously spent all of my energy avoiding those exact feelings but I also wasn’t comfortable with the idea of reaching for that much / spending that much time on just myself and no one else — because as you know, the rules of codependency were/are very much different.

And the rules eventually made sense. Because I had no time or space before to believe that I was a good person or that life gets to be great for me, I just kept doing what I always did; putting everyone else’s needs before my own. But I had to finally decide that I too, fucking deserve to feel better and I also had to understand that no one was going to save me and everything I wanted for myself required *me* to fully step into the responsibility of making my desires (however unrealistic they seemed at that time) a reality.

And now I’m hell bent on helping you create your dream reality for yourself, too. As I know from my own personal experience and after working with dozens of women, — with the right support, inch by inch, … joy, clarity, peace and alllll of your power, will crawl their way right back to you.

yes, even you.

It’s my hope that inside this course you’ll gain exactly what you need to start or reestablish the bones of your inner self-agency and that you’ll also be able to come back to these videos and workbook time and time again, whenever you may need them.

AMANDA WHITE LLC / all photos sourced from pinterest